We start with your breathing pattern, setting up your deep core : diaphragm, transverse abdominal muscles, pelvic floor and muscles along your spine, to work well together so that your movement is supported from the inside out. Then we add layers : Range of motion, resistance training , body weight exercises, playing with fast and slow movements using no to low impact exercises getting you to breathe, twist, load, move, lift, push, pull in a core connected way, creating toned, lean, supple and strong mamas from pregnancy to menopause and beyond .

Are you ready to enjoy your life feeling confident in your body? 

We recognize the importance of healing your body while building strength, confidence, and resilience.


Janet Kimmel focuses on instilling physical confidence in women. Drawing from personal experiences with endometriosis, back surgery, two pregnancies and post-surgery struggles. She excels in guiding women who may feel adrift due to surgery, injury, pregnancy, or postpartum challenges and understands the importance of regaining physical and emotional freedom. To read more about Janet click here.

Shirley Boerssen’s personal experiences with core and pelvic floor challenges during pregnancy set her on a mission to destigmatize and normalize conversations around Diastasis Recti, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor & core health. As an exercise therapist, Shirley focus on trauma and healing, helping women facing similar challenges to reclaim strength, trust and control over their bodies. To read. more about Shirley click here.

Our approach is centered around fostering a supportive and empowering environment. We provide specialized fitness sessions that meet you where you’re at, educate you on your body and step by step guide you to feeling strong and fit. Our exercises are specifically chosen  for those pre or postnatal, if you’re experiencing diastasis recti or pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain and women who are peri and menopausal and beyond, ensuring that your fitness journey is not only effective but also safe and aligned with your stage in life for optimal results.